Oman: Amendment of the Provisions of the Regulatory Charter for the Measures for Professional Health and Safety in Establishments Regulated by the Labour Law
Oman’s Manpower Minister has issued a Decision amending the provisions of the regulatory charter for the measures for professional health and safety in establishments regulated by the Labour Law. Under the amendments, a new article has been added requesting employers in establishments which operate in the oil and gas, ports, airports and power and water sectors to carry out regular and random tests for workers to ensure they are not taking any drugs or drinking alcohol. The employer should take the necessary steps to ensure the establishment doesn’t have these materials onsite. The amendments in Oman Ministerial Decision No. 133/2018 have been issued in line with Oman Sultani Decree No. 35/2003 and the Regulatory Charter for the professional health and safety in establishments regulated by Labour Law as issued by Oman Ministerial Decision No. 286/2008.