Weekly Spotlight: Dubai International Financial Centre Launches Consultation on New Insolvency Regime
This week the spotlight is on insolvency law developments in the DIFC, where the Centre has launched a consultation on a proposed new Insolvency Law regime. The consultation ends on 17 October 2018. The aim of the amendments is to bring the Centre more into line with international best practices.
The key proposals include introducing a new debtor in possession rehabilitation procedure, which includes a stay and cram down mechanism which will be supervised by the court and introducing a new administration process, including the appointment of an insolvency practitioner accessible via rehabilitation where there is evidence of mismanagement or misconduct. It will also enhance the rules governing voluntary winding up procedures and the rules governing compulsory winding up procedures. In addition, it will include more detailed provisions on wrongful trading, the re-use of company names and adding an offence in respect of any misconduct taking place during a winding up, enhance the provisions relating to the enforcement of financial collateral and incorporate the UNCITRAL Model Law on cross border insolvency proceedings into the DIFC law, with certain modifications for application in the DIFC.