Oman: Discounting Rules Stressed
Oman’s Public Authority of Consumer Protection (PACP) has called on consumers to file complaints if they notice price manipulations in discount offers. There have been recent reports of so called discount prices being quoted which represent the real value of the goods in the market and another larger price is stated as the value of the goods before the discount was applied which is incorrect. The Commission has stated that it follows up on such complaints and will issue directions to violating institutions. Consumers are being asked to send the name of the shop and details of their complaints. Oman Sultani Decree No. 66/2014 and its executive regulation issued by Oman Decree No. 77/2017 under Article 36, when making discounts on the prices of goods and services, a supplier must obtain the approval of the relevant authority after coordination with the Authority, to ascertain the prices in accordance with the regulations determined by the Authority, provide a list of the number of goods available for each type of discounts and declare the sale price before and during the period of discounts for each commodity in a clear manner which is readable and provide the percentage of discount. In addition, it will cost 200 Rials to issue or renew a license for glasses shop in Muscat Governorate, 3000 Rials to renew a license of a private hospital in Muscat Governorate and 500 Rials to renew a license of a private clinic.