Kuwait: Government to Pay Reduced Private Sector Salaries
The Health and Social Affairs Committee of Kuwait’s Parliament has approved the draft labour law to address the effects of Coronavirus. It came into force on 12 March 2020. The Committee’s Chairman said those affected by the anti-Coronavirus measures including those who had to completely or partially stop their business can agree with employees to reduce their salaries throughout the suspension period up to 50% of the salary. This will not affect the minimum limit for salaries. He also explained the Government will be responsible for paying the difference in the salary between what the employer is able to pay and the actual salary of the Kuwaiti employee. The aim is to ensure nationals are paid their full salaries. He said for example if a Kuwaiti employee’s salary is 1000 Dinars and their salary was reduced to 500 Dinars, the State will pay the other 500 Dinars so they get a full salary. The law allows employers to give their employees special leave with a reduced salary provided the minimum limit of the salary is at least 30% during the suspension period. Employers are expected to notify the Labour Ministry regarding the agreements concluded with the employees with the terms set by the Ministerial Decision.