Oman: VAT Penalties Announced
Tax experts in Oman have announced the VAT penalties have been approved. The penalties will include fines and jail terms for violators. The fines will vary between 1,000 and 10,000 Rials. Violators will be jailed for between two months and a year. Violators could be fined and jailed. The penalties will be doubled for repeat offenders. However, the jail terms may not be increased by more than 50%. Offences which will result in penalties include taxable entities which deliberately fail to identify the ‘responsible person’. This person is the company’s designated point of reference on tax matters. Legal action may also be taken ‘the responsible person deliberately fails to notify the Oman Tax Authority and obtain its consent to appoint another responsible person during the period of his absence for a period of more than 90 days’. Unauthorised fudging of data, failure to tax returns, failure to maintain tax invoices and documents in the prescribed way, failure to respond to a summons and submitting inaccurate data to secure a refund will also result in penalties being imposed. In addition, late tax payments will lead to 1% of the tax owed for every month or part of a month it remains pending being imposed.