Bahrain: The King of Bahrain has ratified and issued Bahrain Law No. 4/2021
The King of Bahrain has ratified and issued Bahrain Law No. 4/2021 issuing the Corrective Justice Law for Children and protecting them from ill-treatment after it was approved by the Shura Council and Parliament. The law aims to achieve corrective justice.
Courts called “Child Correctional Justice Courts” will be established in Bahrain with the jurisdiction to adjudicate on criminal cases arising from crimes committed by children over the age of 15 years at the time of committing the crime.
A committee called “Judicial Committee” has also been established to examine cases of exposure of the child to danger or ill-treatment referred to it by the competent prosecution office. A centre called the Child Protection Centre has also been established in the Ministry concerned with Social Development Affairs. This will develop plans and programmes to ensure the protection of children from abuse. The law also specifies penalties for those who incite or coerce a child to commit crimes, prepare them for that, or assist them and facilitate this.