UAE: Payment Systems Regulations Come into Force
The UAE’s Central Bank’s Large-Value Payment Systems Regulation and the Retail Payment Systems Regulation have come into force. They apply to payment systems operating in the UAE and payment systems which offer clearing or settlement in Dirhams outside the UAE. They aim to promote robust financial infrastructure, which is essential for financial stability and consumer protection. They also facilitate the UAE’s international competitiveness. The Large-Value Payment Systems Regulation sets standards for financial infrastructure systems which support wholesale payment activities in the UAE. The Retail Payment Systems Regulation focuses on systems for retail payments, which provide funds transfer, clearing and settlement services related to retail activities. The regulation covers all retail payment systems irrespective of currency or means of exchange in which the transactions are conducted. System operators and settlement institutions of existing large-value payment systems and retail payment systems operating in the UAE must comply with the requirements of these two regulations by the end of the transition period at the end of February 2022.