Abu Dhabi: Sick Leave Electronic System Updated
Alroeya, 10 May 2022: Abu Dhabi’s Health Department has issued Abu Dhabi Circular No. 104/2022 on updates to the electronic sick leave system.
It has been addressed to all health facilities and licensed doctors.
The Circular states it has been decided to update the electronic sick leave system in the Department, so all doctors have to issue sick leave using the electronic sick leave system on the Tamm platform only.
The Circular was issued following a Circular from the Human Resources Authority, Abu Dhabi Circular No. 6/2022. This Circular was issued on 27 April 2022.
The Circular requires all doctors not to issue sick leave to Abu Dhabi Government employees for one to two days, as the closed electronic sick leave system cannot be accessed for this type of leave.
The Department has also issued Abu Dhabi Circular No. 103/2022 on temporary licenses for health facilities, related to temporary licenses issued to health facilities coinciding with the Covid-19 pandemic to practice medical activities. This includes field hospitals, temporary tents and kiosks.
The temporary license issued by the Department of Health is valid for up to six months. This period is calculated from the issued date. For full story, click here.
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