Oman: New Visa Fees Come Into Force
Oman Daily Observer, 1 June 2022: Revised fees for the renewal and issue of expatriate work permits come into force in Oman on 1 June 2022.
However, the Ministry of Labour has waived delay penalties for the renewal of work permits from 1 June 2022 as long as permits are renewed by 1 September 2022. In addition, a 30% discount is being offered to companies which follow required Omanisation levels.
The Commercial Fees which are 201-301 Rials will vary with the type of employee. A rate of 301 Rials is payable for senior and supervisory professions which includes specialists and consultants with a rate of 201 Rials available where Omanisation levels are followed. For technical and specialist jobs the rate will be 201 Rials (or 176 Rials when Omanisation levels are followed). In the case of unskilled workers the rate will be 201 Rials discounted to 141 Rials when Omanisation levels are followed.
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