Saudi Arabia: SDAIA Consults on Regulation on Personal Data Transfer

Saudi Arabia: SDAIA Consults on Regulation on Personal Data Transfer News developments

Saudi Arabia: SDAIA Consults on Regulation on Personal Data Transfer

The Saudi Data and Artificial Intelligence Authority (SDAIA) has launched a public consultation on proposed amendments to the Regulation on Personal Data Transfer Outside the Kingdom.

The proposed amendments to Saudi Arabia Administrative Decision No. 1517/1445 On the Approval of the Regulation on Personal Data Transfer Outside the Kingdom cover these areas:

  • other purposes of transfer or disclosure of personal data to entities outside Saudi Arabia;
  • procedures and standards for assessing the protection level for personal data being transferred internationally;
  • cases where controllers may be exempt from ensuring an appropriate level of protection and minimising personal data transferred;
  • subsequent transfer of personal data;
  • cases where the  Competent Authority may withdraw an exemption granted to a controller; and
  • risk assessment of transferring or disclosing personal data to an entity outside Saudi Arabia.

The proposed amendments are intended to make the requirements and processes of transfer and disclosure of personal data to entities outside the Kingdom clearer. The goal is to guarantee an appropriate level of protection for personal data and data subjects’ privacy and rights when personal data is transferred or disclosed to other entities in other jurisdictions.

The end date of the consultation is 18 April 2024.

For more information, kindly check: Regulation On Personal Data Transfer Outside The Kingdom (

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Tanya Jain