Kuwait: Transfer from Domestic Visa To Private Sector Is Open

Kuwait: Transfer from Domestic Visa To Private Sector Is Open News developments

Kuwait: Transfer from Domestic Visa To Private Sector Is Open

Arab Times, 14 July 2024: The Public Authority for Manpower (PAM) has begun accepting requests from domestic workers to transfer their residencies from Article 20 to Article 18 of Kuwait Ministerial Decision No. 22/2022 for a period of two months, starting from 14 July 2024.

The Public Authority for Manpower (PAM) has issued a decision to allow domestic workers to transfer their residency from Article 20 of Kuwait Ministerial Decision No. 22/202 to a private sector work residency under Article 18 of Kuwait Ministerial Decision No. 22/2022.

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Hannah Faye Gutang