Out Now: The latest edition of the Qatar Business Law Review!
We are pleased to share the latest edition of the Qatar Business Law Review, sponsored by LexisNexis Middle East Strategic Alliance Partner, the Qatar International Court and Dispute Resolution Centre! In this edition:
Insights on Qatar Law No. 20/2021 on Mediation, by Dr Zain Al Abdin Sharar (QICDRC)
On 4 November 2021, Qatar issued Law No. 20/2021 on Mediation in Settlement of Civil and Commercial Matters, contributing to the increasing role of mediation as an alternative and essential means of dispute resolution in Qatar. This article discusses some of the most important provisions of the Mediation Law.
Jurisdictional Challenges in Arbitrations in Qatar, by Paula Boast, Peter Smith and Marjan Mirrezaei – MCIArb (Charles Russell Speechlys)
In this article, we explore jurisdictional challenges in arbitrations within the State of Qatar, both under Qatar law and the law of the Qatar Financial Centre (QFC).
Amendments to the QFC Data Protection Regulations, by Khadeja Al-zarraa (Al-Ansari Law Firm)
On 21 December 2021, the QFC amended its Data Protection Regulations (the “2021 DPR”), which came into force on 19 June 2022. The key amendments include establishing a Data Protection Office, imposing significant fines on violations, and expanding the rights of individuals concerning processing their personal data.
Qatar’s Withholding Tax Regime, by Mourad Chatar (Value Square)
This article aims to summarise critical observations from the practical experience dealing with the Qatar withholding tax regime and related withholding tax refund processes.
An Update on QICDRC Judgments, by Professor Khawar Qureshi QC and Catriona Nicol (McNair International)
This article considers critical judgments issued by the Qatar International Court (both by the First Instance Circuit and the Appellate Division) since the publication of the handbook Qatar International Court and Dispute Resolution Centre – A Guide to the Court and Regulatory Tribunal: Procedure and Jurisprudence. It also considers the introduction of the Small Claims Procedure.
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