Egypt: New Draft Labour Law Bans Employment Contracts Being Ended Because of Sickness
Youm7, 28 October 2021: The Egyptian authorities have announced the new draft Labour Law bans the ending of employment contracts because of an employee’s sickness.
Article 146 of the draft law states the employer cannot terminate the employee’s contract because of the employee’s illness, unless they have exhausted their sick leave and the remainder of accrued annual leave.
This will not affect their rights under the Social Insurance Law.
The employer will notify the employee of their intent to terminate the contract before fifteen days have passed from the date of the employee’s exhaustion of their vacations.
Under Article 147, the employer may terminate the employment contract, even if it is for a limited period, or concluded to complete a specific work, if the employee is sentenced, by a final judgment, to a felony or a freedom-restricting penalty for a crime affecting honour or trust, unless the court orders a stay of execution of the penalty. For full story, click here.
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