Expired Cross-border GCC M&A Transactions | Online Training | 10 November 2021 | 09:30AM to 11:30AM (Gulf Standard Time)
Cross-border GCC M&A Transactions
9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
The GCC is an economic and political alliance created between the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman and Kuwait. Although security and strategic issues were the driving force behind the initiative, the Charter largely focuses on economic and cultural cooperation. Indeed, the goal of the GCC is to promote unity across Member States. With a million square miles, 54 million people and a total of $3.464 trillion GDP, the GCC is a very interesting market for investors. The best vehicle to invest is mergers and acquisitions, which are transactions well-known as an integration tool. Join LexisNexis Middle East and the DIFC Academy for an online training session on cross-border GCC M&A transactions.