Expired UAE Mock Trial
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On the 27th June, LexisNexis is hosting a UAE Mock Trial in partnership with BSA Ahmad Bin Hezeem & Associates LLP, the Association of Corporate Counsel, and the DIFC Academy of Law. With a focus on the UAE Court litigation process, this event will provide practical insight into every step of the trial process.
This event is targeted at legal professionals that are not advocates but have an interest in the UAE Court process including corporate counsel and legal consultants within international law firms.
Experts from BSA will provide tips and highlight the pitfalls to avoid during an interactive case study.
Earn 4 CLPD points by attending this Mock Trial!
Wednesday, 27 June 2018
- 8:30am to 9:00am: Welcome & registration
- 9:00am to 9:20am: Opening & general overview – Ahmad Bin Hezeem
- 9:20am to 10:20am: Part 1: First instance and appeal stage
- 10:20am to 10:40am: Coffee break
- 10:40am to 11:40pm: Part 2: Court of cassation and final stage of the case
- 11:40pm to 12:30pm: Q&A session
- 12:30pm to 2:00pm: Cocktail lunch
Venue: DIFC Courts
Venue Phone: +9714 427 3333
Venue Website: https://www.difccourts.ae/
Dubai International Financial Centre Courts
Ground Floor, Building 4, The Gate District
The Gate District
Dubai, UAE
UAE Mock Trial
8:30 AM - 2:00 PM