Andrew Maguire
Barrister, Littleton Chambers
Andrew is a highly regarded chancery and commercial advocate, who has built up an impressive reputation in the fields of contractual and fiduciary disputes; many involving banking and financial services claims, including personal guarantee and indemnity disputes, in addition to high value professional negligence disputes.
He has considerable experience in relation to international and domestic civil fraud and asset-tracing cases, often involving pre-emptive injunctions, particularly freezing and proprietary injunctions and cross-border enforcement of judgments and anti-suit injunctions.
Andrew is regularly instructed in matters concerning breach of trust and fiduciary duties and joint ventures and disputes between shareholders and company directors and co-venturers involving claims for breach of fiduciary and directors’ duties, as well as disputes arising from sales of businesses and misfeasance and wrongful trading claims. This also includes business protection claims, involving restrictive covenants, confidential information and breach of fiduciary duty as well as the economic torts.
Andrew has been instructed on various cases involving mis-selling of financial investment products and pension products; some of which have involved judicial review applications and Group Litigation Orders and cross-border claims.
Much of Andrew’s work, in litigation and arbitral proceedings, has a strong international element, with his international clients based in the Middle East, Africa, India, China, Russia, and the USA. The cases on which he is instructed often raise complex jurisdictional and conflict of laws issues and involve English court proceedings in aid of arbitral proceedings and in connection with the enforcement of arbitration awards and foreign judgments.
Andrew is a registered practitioner at the DIFC and registered to appear at the Abu Dhabi Global Market Courts and a member of the DIFC/LCIA arbitration and mediation Panel, in Dubai.