Dr. Anas Al-Tourah
General Secretary of Kuwait Chamber of Commerce & Industry
DR. ANAS AL-TOURAH is a former lawyer and former member of the Kuwaiti Lawyers Association. He currently fulfils several advisory roles, including Secretary General of the Kuwait Commercial Arbitration Centre (KCAC), a position he has held since 2014; and Legal Advisor for the Minister of Commerce and Industry, a position he has held since 2017.
Dr. Al-Tourah previously represented the KCAC in the United Nations committees, specifically the Commercial Arbitration Committees in New York and Vienna. He is also a member of the Faculty of Law, Kuwait University, and a visiting professor at the Faculty of Law at Qatar University. He has participated in and chaired several legal drafting committees as well as presented numerous courses and workshops of the Kuwait Chamber of Commerce & Industry, and the General Organisation for Social Insurance.
Dr. Al-Tourah has published numerous research in specialised scientific journals in Kuwait, the Netherlands and Cairo on legislative drafting, child rights and employment of persons with disabilities. Dr. Al-Tourah holds a Bachelor of Law degree from Sharjah University, and master’s degree and Ph.D. in Private Law from the Constance University, Germany.