Jalal El Ahdab
Jalal’s practice covers international business law, notably in Europe, Africa and the MENA region, focusing on international disputes and foreign investments. Having acted as a counsel, arbitrator and expert in approximately 100 cases, Jalal has in-depth experience in managing complex disputes involving shareholders’ rights, suits against States, class actions, breach of negotiations and bank guarantees. His sector experience includes work for high-profile clients in commodities trade, telecoms, ports, airports, construction, life sciences, sports and more.
In addition to being a regular speaker at international arbitration conferences, Jalal is also the author of numerous articles in the professional legal journals and the co-author of ‘Arbitration with the Arab Countries’ (published by Kluwer in 2011), and managing editor of the International Journal of Arab Arbitration (available on Kluweronline.com). In 2020, Jalal will publish a book on Arbitration Law in France, written jointly with Professor Daniel Mainguy and published by LexisNexis.
Today, Jalal is Lebanon’s UNCITRAL representative and a member of the International Court of Arbitration of the ICC. He also chairs the European Branch of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and is the vice-chair of the IBA Arab Regional Forum. Jalal is a lecturer in arbitration law at Versailles University and Sciences Po Paris (IEP).
Jalal is qualified to practice in Beirut, Paris and New York, and am equally fluent in Arabic, English and French.