Mohamed Serokh
Partner | Transfer Pricing | Deloitte & Touche (M.E.)
Mohamed is the Middle East Transfer Pricing Leader at Deloitte. As a Transfer Pricing specialist and a former regulator, Mohamed has more than 24 years’ experience in Transfer Pricing, international tax, strategic, economic and business consulting across a number of industry segments. These include Automotive, Construction & Materials, Energy, Financial Services, Pharmaceutical, Telecommunications & Media, Technology and Travel & Leisure sectors.
Mohamed’s experience includes leading and managing global documentation and planning studies, as well as drafting Advanced Pricing Agreements (APAs) for submission to tax authorities in jurisdictions worldwide. Mohamed presents widely on Transfer Pricing and tax issues at seminars across the world and has been extensively published in the area of Transfer Pricing and tax on different platforms. In 2020, Mohamed was awarded the International Tax Review (ITR) Editor’s Choice Award for progressive work throughout the Middle East in Transfer Pricing and was nominated for the EMEA Transfer Pricing Practice Leader of the Year award.
Mohamed was awarded an MBA (with distinction) from Warwick Business School, where he won an award for the overall best MBA degree of the year. Mohamed also holds MSc Economics (with distinction) and BSC Economics (first class) degrees from the University of London.