Nouran Ibrahim
Director | Transfer Pricing | Deloitte & Touche (M.E.)
Nouran a Transfer Pricing Director at Deloitte – Saleh, Barsoum and Abdel Aziz. She has 13 years of experience working in tax.
Nouran has assisted a large number of multinationals formulate their transfer pricing documentation, preparing them for potential tax administration queries and requests. She has also worked with a number of companies on their transfer pricing planning and structuring efforts.
She has worked on a wide variety of transfer pricing documentation projects. These international as well as local transfer pricing transactions covering a variety of industries including, pharmaceutical, telecommunications, consumer products, retail, services, IT, heavy machinery, electronics, automotive, and financial.
Nouran has experience with various services transactions, handling a number of documentation projects defending such transactions as well as planning projects. She has experience on intellectual property transactions including various royalty structures including trade name/trademarks, technical services, and knowhow as well as in exit charge calculations for large buy-in/out arrangements.
Nouran spent the last two years working for the FTSE department in Deloitte London. During this period she worked on large APAs, policy design, and large centralized documentation projects using Deloitte tax technology.