UAE: Draft Emirates Council for Sharia Fatwa Law Approved
Al Bayan, 31 January 2024: The UAE’s Federal National Council has approved a draft federal law regarding the Emirates Council for Sharia Fatwa.
It will organise the Emirates Council for Sharia Fatwa and grant it the necessary capabilities to organise fatwa affairs and consolidate the status of the fatwa in line with the national identity of the state locally and globally.
The draft law specifies various penalties which will be imposed on offenders.
These include a fine of between 10,000 AED and 200,000 AED for anyone who issues a general legal fatwa in the country on any of the issues and topics that concern the Council.
In addition, the facility may be closed and the website blocked.
The Court may also order the closure of the violating facility or institution or block the platform or website that published the fatwa in violation of the provisions of the law or the decisions issued to implement it.
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