UAE: New E-commerce Law Approved
Arabian Business, 7 December 2023: The UAE’s Economy Ministry has announced it has approved a new E-Commerce Law.
Federal Decree-Law No. 14/2023 has been approved to facilitate the growth of e-commerce in the country.
It integrates the roles of federal and local entities involved in e-commerce. It covers the requirements of the Central Bank on digital payment gateways, the requirements of the Federal Tax Authority and the requirements of the Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority or TDRA.
In addition, it covers the cybersecurity requirements of federal and local entities and regulates the roles of the relevant federal and local entities in terms of the requirements and approvals required from the local entities concerned with the digital transformation of business activities and the e-commerce licensing requirements of economic development departments.
It will enable an authority fto be established to integrate supervisory, regulatory and judicial control operations and organises relations between merchants and merchants and digital merchants and consumers.
It applies to free zones in the country, including financial free zones, regarding activities that are not related to financial activities too.
Finally, it organises the relationship between parties of digital contracts and protects online consumers and relevant parties.
It aims to improve the business environment, facilitate business transactions, improve efficiency, reduce costs and promote stability in the sector.
It emphasises the central role of entities and authorities responsible for licensing and regulating e-commerce and associated logistic services and digital payment gateways in the country.
However, it does not impose any additional requirements on digital traders or other service providers.
It also protects consumer interests by safeguarding intellectual property rights and the purchase of goods or services via e-commerce channels.
It authorises trade conducted through modern technology and makes it similar to physical trade carried out.
It provides optional jurisdictions for dispute resolution, including arbitration as well and introduces an optional insurance coverage principle regarding obligations arising from trade through modern technology.
The Ministry developed the law with federal and local stakeholders as well as the private sector and relevant experts.
Also reported in Al Bayan on 7 December 2023. Click here to read more.
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